Sunday, June 03, 2007

Crazy Heat = Cool Fruit Salad

The other day I was wondering around T&T (surprise, surprise) when I noticed that they were having a sale on dragon fruit. Having never tried this luxurious fruit before I decided to get one and "test taste" it. I bought it and brought it home, sat it on my counter and waited. I waited and stared at the pretty pink fruit and asked myself, " What could I possibly make with this thing!?!"
Being all healthy and seeing that a fruit salad would be a good way to beat the sweltering heat, that's what I made. The recipe is pretty simple.
Dragonfruit Bowl

- 1 dragon fruit for every 2 people
-A mixture of your favourite fruits, diced (that go well together... I love durian to bits, but if I put it in this fruit salad then everything would taste like durian... hmmm, actually that doesn't sound half bad :P)

1. Gather up all of your favorite fruits and dice them into bite-sized pieces.
2.Then cut the dragon fruit in half (length-wise, or width-wise it doesn't matter... depends on how you want your "bowl" to look).
3. Scoop out the inside of the dragon fruit, while retaining the structure of the fruit's skin.
4. In a large bowl, combine the diced fruits (I used starfruit, banana, kiwi, pineapple)
5. Spoon the fruit mixture into the empty skins of the dragon fruit. Serve to the hot and sweaty masses!

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